We Value Our Families
The Church of the Holy Nativity is far more than a church building. All are invited to experience the integrity, spirituality, and faith of those around them. Families are supported in their spiritual journey through worship services, Christian Education, intergenerational activities, and outreach ministries.
Sunday school starts at 9:45am for ages four years old and up. We nurture spiritual development through a multi-sensory curriculum while learning about God and the Bible, the Episcopal Church, and the world around us. Children are invited to participate in Sunday morning worship ministries as acolytes, choir members, lay-readers, ushers, and greeters.
All Church School teachers and assistants are safe-church certified.
We have a private nursery room with necessities such as changing tables and portacribs, as well as a secluded place for nursing. Our nursery is available every Sunday, except summer, from , 9:30-11:30.
Sunday school starts at 9:45am for ages four years old and up. We nurture spiritual development through a multi-sensory curriculum while learning about God and the Bible, the Episcopal Church, and the world around us. Children are invited to participate in Sunday morning worship ministries as acolytes, choir members, lay-readers, ushers, and greeters.
All Church School teachers and assistants are safe-church certified.
We have a private nursery room with necessities such as changing tables and portacribs, as well as a secluded place for nursing. Our nursery is available every Sunday, except summer, from , 9:30-11:30.